Monday, August 27, 2012

You're in my Head...

Most times I don't mind at all.  Other times you make we wish for brain bleach.  The ups, the downs, and the somewhere in between make for one hell of a roller coaster ride.  I stood in line for years to ride this ride.  It makes me feel like such a newbie.  I am not used to the hills and valleys of this ride.  Yet, I am glad to be on it and don't want it to end.  I like the heart pounding, excitement building feeling of going up the hill.  I hate the stomach in throat, this is going to end fear of going down the valley.  

I am so used to the ferris wheel where it goes round in a boring circle.  Granted you get to see high and low on the wheel but your back is always faced towards the ride to the top.  Your eyes never see how you got to the high.  I'm tired of not seeing how I got there.  Also, it feels of late that the Carnie is always working on the wheel and I am stuck swinging somewhere between the two.

The Power of a Hug

A hug is one of the most powerful actions a person can make.  From family or friends it can show love, compassion, comfort, heal or just be a simple hello.  Those are all great things that a simple embrace can do.  At different times in our lives we will need a hug to fix those emotions.  Or will feel compelled to share a hug for one of those reasons.  Family and Friend hugs are some of the best things in this world but, nothing compares to the hug of a lover.

The embrace of a lover...just the thought of it can turn one on.  The passion, the heat, the drive, all the raw emotions that explode between two people.  Knowing that for that moment in time no others exist in the world.  Feeling that those arms can offer protection.  That when wrapped around you, they can make the troubles of your world melt away.  Arms strong enough to lift and support but gentle enough to caress and soothe.  Nothing is better then after, the heat of passion, laying collapsed together, panting and in each other's arms.

Often just the thought of a hug, from the right person, can send tingles to the core of my being and make me long for the release of orgasm.  That deep tingle and pull of muscles, the insatiable appetite that one can get from touch.  All of it drawn forth in that single moment, thought or action.  A simple action yet one of the most intimate.  Yet, my favorite and most adored thing to share with a lover.