Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cupid is Fishing in the Wrong Waters

Really how hard is it to make a person understand what you are looking for in a partner?  How many signs do I have to post?  How many words to I have to say?  If I throw rocks at you, will you get it then?

I really feel that some people were dropped hard on their heads as babies.  Three different dating sites and the first line of my profile on all of them is, "I am NOT looking for just sex partners.  If that is what you are looking for move along."  Still with such a blunt and bitchy line I still get asked, on a regular basis, if I want to hook up.

Honestly, my favorite is when the "you want to hook up" question, is preceded by "I really liked your profile."  You fucking dumb fuck!!!  If you had really read my profile you wouldn't be talking to me.  It really is a simple concept.  Don't try to bullshit me.  Your lies are transparent and I see right though them.

So let's do us both a favor, save some time and read at least the first line of my dating site profile.  I read yours and I don't message you if we don't have the same goals.  So just do me that one solid and leave me the hell alone if sex is all that you are looking for.


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