Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ragey McRagerson at Your Service

So my morning radio show was talking about road rage the other day.  A lot of the callers complained of being cut off, flicked off, cussed out, driving to slow in the fast lane and even a few that spoke of being chased down.  All things that would personally make me a little ragey myself.

I can say without a doubt that 75% of my road rage could be cured very easily.  People just use your damn turn signals.  It is a safety feature that comes standard on all cars.  A simple flick of a lever and your intentions would be so clear to other people.  Fuck, throw me an old fashion hand signal.  Just give me a clue as to what you are doing.

I promise if you give me warning, I am less likely to give you the finger.  Or get really close to your bumper because you decided that you needed to come to a full stop to right turn your fucking Ford Fiesta into a driveway.  Yeah, I wasn't riding your ass but my SUV is heavier then your shit box and needs more stopping time.  I realize that you might have arthritis but, really, it doesn't mean that your car does!

Thanks for listening.  This little rant brought to you by my daily commute.


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