Saturday, September 29, 2012

Have vs. Need

What I want is way different then where I have allowed myself to end up.  I need to figure out a way to fill the gap between the two.  The tough part is finding the balance and not hurting anyone or myself.  It really is a fine line to try and walk.

I have situation A which is great.  There are so many things that I love about it.  There are also things about it that I really wish could change.  Unfortunately, the things that I wish could change are beyond my control.  Which leaves me in the position of waiting to see if what I want, out of situation A, will happen or not.  In the mean time, I will enjoy the time I get to spend with this person.  Our time together is extremely special to me and I value it very deeply.  I just hope they understand what they mean to me, how much I care for them and how badly I want them to be happy again.  With or without me.

What I need is a gay best friend.  I need someone who has a little more freedom of their time.  A person who will go out on a date with and not expect sex at the end of it.  Someone that will be a friend to me and allow me to be a friend to them.  I know just how much that is to ask of a person.  Also, it can be hard to make that kind of connection with someone.  Especially for me as I don't easily let people into my life.  There really has to be a connection and trust for me in order for that to happen.

Please don't think that I am complaining.  Cause I really am not.  I am just taking my thoughts and putting it down in words.  Sometimes that makes it easier for me work on a plan of attack and to organize things in my life.  I will gladly listen to any ideas or advice that you care to give.

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